Just Nature?
Just Nature?
Science and political neutrality
Today we speak to two different scientists about getting involved politically either by choice or circumstances. Dr. Kasia Nowak works at Białowieża Forest in Poland and speaks out about the border fence between Belarus and Poland, how border fences prevent animal migration but also how nature is leveraged as an argument by the far-right when it's suitable. Dr. Charlie Gardner became active in the scienstist rebellion in 2019 and thinks that scientists are trusted messengers who often have privilege to engage in civil disobedience actions to draw attention to the climate and ecological crisis.
Dr. Katarzyna Nowak
Conservation scientist at Białowieża Geobotanical Station
Twitter @katzyna
Dr. Charlie Gardner
Conservation scientist and scientist rebellion activist
Twitter @CharlieJGardner
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www.carolarackete.info for free access to bestseller "the time to act is now"
Music & Postproduction: Louisa Beck www.louisabeck.com
Artwork: Céline Keller celinekeller.com